Monday, November 12, 2012

Happy Birthday

I cant believe it's been one year since my baby was born. I miss that teeny tiny little cuddle bug, but I love the independent, bubbly one year old she has become! Im bummed I didn't blog about the day she was born, so I will just have to go back in time for a minute to reminisce... My due date was November 15th, but Scarlett just couldn't wait, definitely fits her personality. A week before, me, Tony and his sister went to dinner at El Segundo, our fav, and then got milkshakes next-door at Stripburger. This close to my due date, my belly was so big and I was so uncomfortable that all I wanted to do was hang out at home. So afterwards, thats exactly what we did and I'm soo happy because I didn't know what was coming next! Im not sure I would have survived the embarrassment of my water breaking in public. Tony is so sweet and made me a huge comfy bed on the couch and we watched tv. All of a sudden, it felt like Scarlett gave the biggest kick and then BOOM! ...just like the movies,  my water broke. There was seriously so much water, Tony and I were both in such shock, our brains couldn't remember what to do! So we called his mom and she ever so wisely told us "GO TO THE HOSPITAL!" Naturally, I took a shower, because you have to be clean for when your pushin out a baby, and off we went to the hospital! We got there at 11:45 and the first thing I asked was "when can I get the epidural?" I got my epidural within an hour of getting to the hospital. I felt contractions for about 15 minutes until the anesthesiologist came and thought I was gonna die. I have no idea how women do natural birth! Me, Tony and our best friend Kara just hung out in the room and watched movies all night until it was time to push.  I had an amazing delivery experience thanks to the epidural! And on November 8th at 753am Scarlett Lilly Zanello was born <3 Im so thankful to have had Tony, my mom and Kara there. Of course, Kara filled the entire room with fresh flowers, brought my favorite meal and deserts from Panera bread, brought a million snacks, and a case of water with a bunch of lemons, because she knows I love lemon water. I know shes amazing and were so lucky to have her in our lives! 
Fast forward one year later... The night before Scarletts birthday Tony and I had a little date night and went to El Segundo and got milkshakes :) The next day, we took Scarlett to Town Square to play and the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay. Afterwards we went home to have cake. We were gonna let her have the whole cake to smash, but she seemed to have a little belly ache. But you can't not have cake on your birthday, so I gave her a tiny bite to try and she spit it out! She's never had sweets so I thought she was going to be in heaven! I don't know any kid who would rather eat broccoli than cake! Scarlett definitely marches to the beat of her own drummer! This year with Scarlett has been the best year of my life and Im seriously so lucky to be her mommy! We are also so lucky to have amazing family that has been there to help us every step of the way!! We love you!

Yayy! I'm one!

I put a million candles so Scarlett would like it :) 

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