Saturday, December 29, 2012

mommys little helper

Scarletts whole face lights up when I turn the blender on. She stops whatever naughty thing she's doing and runs over as fast as she can to help. She even helps me drink it afterwards. Healthy girl :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012


I have a lot of goals for 2013. I have never really made a new years resolution before so I guess i'm making up for the past 23 years, because I have a million this year. I know everyone says they want to lose weight/go to the gym/ eat better. Well I have that goal too.. kinda. I actually eat pretty well, but then for about 2 weeks I go on a crazy In n Out & pizza binge. I really need to get that under control and maybe just limit that to once a month or maybe twice ;) I also like/love to workout, but ill be on a good routine of working out for a while and then just stop. Probably around the time i'm stuffing my face with burgers and pizza. I have this book called Recipes for Health Bliss that I love but would like to actually open it more in this coming year. 

I take plenty of pictures of Scarlett so I don't need to do more of that, but every single picture is on my phone. I really need to get them into a photobook. I would love to scrapbook her whole life, but I think that would take me months and half of my savings. So ill settle for something in between. 

she likes to put her headbands on herself now
Heres a little glimpse at my list..
go to bed earlier
become a better saver
walk my dogs. sad. but true
bake a cake
learn to sew
make Scarletts halloween costume
cook dinner most nights
clean my car out
stop being so bossy. sorry Tony
love the simple things

I have so many more little things I want to accomplish, half of which I can't remember. Probably because i'm beyond exhausted & sadly it's only 9pm. My baby really wears me out. I refuse to call her a toddler, even thought thats what she is now. She really does act like a little girl though, she's so sweet and knows how to use that to get what she wants. She loves puppies and blowing kisses and being naked. She pees on my floor more then a new puppy, but she's so happy when in the nude, that I let her run around naked until she pees, then I realize "oh I should probably put a diaper on her now". She has this new way of trying to tell us what she wants.. she just sits there and says UH UH UH over and over again until we figure out what it is. I thought it was the cutest thing ever when she first started doing it. But then after we heard it about 1000 times a day, it started to drive me craZy. I still secretly love it though. I really love my baby as much as a mom ever could. After we put Scarlett to bed, I love to ask Tony what he thought was cutest thing she did that day.. and the funniest.. He had to leave for work super early tonight but if I were to ask him, I think he would say it was when he turned his head for a second and next thing he knows she's eating an entire crayon. He's so sweet and let me sleep in this morning while he got up with her, but then came running in our room yelling "I NEED YOUR HELP". I look at Scarlett and all of her teeth are green, her whole mouth was green, tongue, everything. It was pretty funny, wish I would have gotten a picture. Anyways, I love to go through my phone and look at all of her perfect pictures every night. I re watch all of her cute videos every night. And I laugh to myself at all the funny things she did that day. Im pretty much obsessed with her as you can tell, but I just feel so lucky to have such a sweet, spunky little girl. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

having ourselves a merry little christmas

Merry Christmas! This Christmas has been so much fun already! Tony and I are such procrastinators, so every day we would say we would go get pictures with Scarlett meeting Santa, tomorrow. Well we never went... So I came up with the great idea of having Tony dress as Santa. He definitely wasn't jolly St. Nick... He hated me, and Scarlett hated him (santa) but we did get some cute pictures. I made Tony go to the park in his fat suit, which probably wasn't the best idea when people started to ask to take pictures with him. haha! This was also the first year that Tony and I have ever made Christmas Eve dinner. It was so much fun and so good. We made a rotisserie chicken, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and corn. Thanks to Stephanie for the amazing recipe! After dinner we put Scarlett to bed and made Santa's cookies and brownies and watched cheezy lifetime christmas movies and played movie charades during commercials. It was one of the most fun Christmas Eve's ever. Christmas morning we opened our gifts and made a big breakfast with chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, eggs, and fruit. And when Scarlett wakes up from her nap were gonna go to Mt. Charleston! Cant wait! 
Scarlett caught mommy kissing Santa Claus...


Christmas Eve dinner

Loving her baby doll & Cinderella II

Hipster Santa

Loving all this wrapping paper!

Scarlett skyping grandma and Xave, she is the sweetest little girl ever. 
Christmas Eve charades, im embarssing. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Holiday cheer

Every year Tryst & XS, where Tony and I work, donates money to the KLUC toy drive, this year we raised $172k!! The day of the toy drive, all of the staff go to Walmart and fill up shopping cart after shopping cart with toys. The toy aisle shelves are seriously empty! This year was so fun because Scarlett got to participate. This was like a dream come true for her. For once in her life she got to take every. single. toy. off the shelves. It was a great day for me also to see her picking out toys for other less fortunate kids <3 This year was also fun to have Tony's mom come with us to help. Over the past few years, Tryst & XS have donated so much money to the toy drive that the mayor declared Dec. 5th Tryst & XS day! Its so nice to work for such an amazing company!

Never ending line of all of the shopping carts filled with toys!

Fascinated by a bagel

 We also were able to get in the holiday spirit a little early this year because tony's sissy is having her baby December 18th (tomorrow! Happy Baby day Angela!) & his family will be in Chicago with her for Christmas, so we had Christmas at our house last week. Tonys other sis Jenny and her boyfriend and his mom and dad all came over for games, din din and a gingerbread house competition. 

 Starting from the left: mine & Tonys Tonys parents (the winners) & Jenny and Miahs. We had 30 minutes to complete our houses. In those 30 minutes of course Scarlett wanted to be held, so Tony the perfectionist made most of our house. It looks beautiful but he went so slow to make it perfect that it looks a little bare :( But still perfect!
What we've been doing lately... Park dates. Scarlett & I usually go to the park everyday. She loves being outside and we always have fun. She makes this face below when I am counting 1..2..3... to push her on the swings. It cracks me up everytime. 

little angel